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Partners & Sponsors
The Pollination Project supported the project “Face Mask us – Phase 1”, in particular, the purchase of all the materials (fabrics, elastics, threads) for the production of the first 1,200 face masks, the transport costs to reach 2 indigenous communities and the food baskets that were delivered to the seamstresses who supported us in the production.
Fondazione Giuseppe e Pericle Lavazza Onlus supported the projects “Face Mask us – Phase 1 and Phase 2”, in particular, the purchase of all the materials (fabrics, elastics, threads) for the production of 1,730 face masks, the transport costs to reach 18 indigenous communities, the labor costs and the work of 28 seamstresses allowing them to contribute financially to the family sustenance.
AYNI Cooperazione supports the activities of NINA APS through its network of volunteers.
Fondazione Setificio donated 50 mt. of fabric for the realization of the face masks of “Face Mask us – Phase 2” project and for the creation of prototypes for the start of an entrepreneurial activity of 28 women seamstresses.
Corriere dell’italianità collaborates with NINA APS for the monthly publication of articles related to gender issues, nutrition, sustainability, human rights and cooperation.
Paola Caramella Editrice published the book “La foresta dei Sapori”.

Before anyone else, Cortina Banca has sustained the ‘NINA KAKAW’ project through the donation of 2 melangers and a chocolate tempering machine indispensable for handling and processing chocolate inside the social chocolaterie in Belluno at Via G. Matteotti. Without this support, the project would not have started, and even today this donation is still fundamental for the realization of training courses and internships for women living in difficult situations.

From the beginning, REMAX/Housing has sustained the ‘NINA KAKAW’ project. Thanks to its donation it has been possible to buy all the main ingredients, tools and utensils needed for handling and processing chocolate inside the social chocolaterie NINA KAKAW. This support has been and is still fundamental for the realization of training courses and internships for women living in difficult situations.

Flyweb has donated the aprons and the bandanas that are worn everyday by the tutors and beneficiary women working and training at the social chocolaterie NINA KAKAW. This support has been and is still fundamental for the realization of training courses and internships for women living in difficult situations. Through this donation, Flyweb has indirectly supported the ‘Little ants’ project (Progetto Formichine) in Rovereto, and created a significant double impact.

Edilimpianti s.r.l. has sustained the ‘NINA KAKAW’ project through the donation of a professional fridge counter for storing chocolate and pralines, together with 2 dehumidifiers essential for maintaining an environment suitable for handling and processing chocolate. These precious tools continue to be fundamental every day for the realization of training courses and internships for women living in difficult situations.
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