Our Identity
NINA APS is a non-profit association which operates abroad in the framework of international cooperation, and in Italy within the social sector. Through women’s empowerment and the promotion of a healthy diet, understood as the right to food and food sovereignty, NINA aims to create social and working opportunities in order to improve the inclusion of women.
The strength of the association lies in its members’ many years of working experience in Europe, Africa and Latin America, as well as in their expertise in the gastronomic field, and in managing social projects focused on the social and working inclusion of people living in vulnerable situations.
In NINA APS we think that everyone can represent an added value, and from our beginnings we have believed and we still believe that we can make a difference.
As a non-profit organization for women’s empowerment, we are inspired by the concepts of support, progress, and awareness.
We are an association made up mostly of young people under 35 and, thanks to the support of some senior members, we have created a generational mix, combining enthusiasm and experience, energy and pragmatism, strength and foresight.
In Kichwa, one of the indigenous languages of Ecuador, NINA means fire and flame, but also to tell, to communicate. The vocation of our association lies precisely in this combination: giving voice to the fire that resides in women coming from all over the world.
Our mission is to affirm and promote the valorization of women and their families in order to reduce poverty, hunger, disparities and inequalities.