Food is Woman
‘Women and nutrition’ is a theme very close to NINA APS, therefore it made us dedicate a whole cycle of meetings to it in order to reflect on this profound union.
Through tastings, sensorial experiences, cooking laboratories and movie nights we will travel to faraway countries and past times, to understand the key role of the woman in this ancestral dichotomy.
It is fascinating to think that there is nothing more natural and intrinsic of the woman who makes herself food for her children, becoming herself nourishment for other lives. Otherwise, we can think about all that culinary knowledge transmitted from mother to daughter, that does not have age, and that leaves a precious heritage handed down over the centuries and between different generations. A sacred and beautiful relationship, often desecrated from its beginnings, from a set of cultural, social and sometimes even political constructs.
The food mania that has affirmed itself in the last years is the expression of this complex equilibrium between the natural and social role of the woman in regard to nutrition.
NINA, through a multi-disciplinary path of 12 meetings, aims at generating more awareness and female conscience about the role of the woman and her power to influence socio-economic dynamics in the field of consumption and food security.
Below you will find the meeting schedule👇

Here is a a taste of our course!!🤤
🔺The course was temporarily suspended due to Covid-19🔺